; Twit this code for zenphoto | code | Bert Simons | Portfolio

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Twit this code for zenphoto

This is the code I use to provide a Twit This link below my images in ZENphoto (as seen here)

in the header:


   <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"
   <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"



where you want the Twit This link:

(you have to fill in your main site url in the gallery options, and can off course replace the Twit This! text by a thumb image)


<a href="#" onclick="return TweetAndTrack.open(this, '<?php echo getMainSiteURL( ).getImageLinkURL();?>');">
<span style="display:none;"> - <?php echo getImageTitle();?> - found at: www.bertsimons.nl</span>Twit This!</a>
