list dynamic albums
This shows up a list of only dynamic albums:
One exception though..shows only dynamic albums as a list that are not nested more then 2 levels deep eg:
zenphoto/albums/thedynamicalbum or zenphoto/albums/subalbum/thedynamicalbum
code adapted from original ZENphoto code, credits to the ZENphoto team:
<?php printDynamicAlbumList("list"); ?>
and the code to put in the customfunctions.php file that you call with an include on the page were you want to use the function:
function printDynamicAlbumList($option1,$option2,$id,$active,$class,$active2) {
// check if parameters are used
if ($id != "") { $id = " id='".$id."'"; }
if ($active1 != "") { $active1 = " id='".$active1."'"; }
if ($class != "") { $class = " class='".$class."'"; }
if ($active2 != "") { $active2 = " id='".$active2."'"; }
if (getOption('mod_rewrite'))
{ $albumlinkpath = WEBPATH."/"; }
{ $albumlinkpath = ""; }
// main album query
$sql = "SELECT id, parentid, dynamic, folder,title FROM ". prefix('albums') ." WHERE `show` = 1 ORDER BY sort_order";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$idnr[$number] = $row['id'];
$parentid[$number] = $row['parentid'];
$folder[$number] = $row['folder'];
$title[$number] = $row['title'];
$dynamic[$number] =$row['dynamic'];
$album[$number]= new Album($_zp_gallery, $folder[$number]);
//show image count
switch($option2) {
case "count":
// count images in the albums
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ". prefix('images') ." WHERE albumid = $idnr[$number]";
$result2 = query($sql);
$count = mysql_result($result2, 0);
$imagecount[$number] = " (".$count.")";
// open main albums list
echo "";
/* main album loop start */
for ($nr = 1;$nr <= $number; $nr++)
if ($parentid[$nr] === NULL ) // check if album is main album
if ($imagecount[$nr] == " (0)") // prevent "(0)" behind main albums if you only have subalbums with images
{ $imagecount[$nr] = ""; }
// if check if the album is the currently selected album
if ($title[$nr] === getAlbumTitle()) {
$data = $_zp_dynamic_album->data;//used to get custom data 'notlisted' from album to hide this dynamic album from the list
$custom_data = $data[custom_data];//
$_zp_current_search = $_zp_dynamic_album->getSearchEngine();
$images = $_zp_current_search->getSearchImages();
if (substr_count($custom_data,"notlisted")!=1){
echo " <a href='".$albumlinkpath.$folder[$nr]."'>".htmlspecialchars($title[$nr])."</a>".$imagecount[$nr]." ";
//echo "<a href='".$folder2."/".$first."'>".htmlspecialchars($title[$nr2])."</a>".$imagecount[$nr2]." ";
{ if($dynamic[$nr]=='1'){
$data = $_zp_dynamic_album->data;//used to get custom data 'notlisted' from album
$custom_data = $data[custom_data];// to hide this dynamic album from the list
$_zp_current_search = $_zp_dynamic_album->getSearchEngine();
$images = $_zp_current_search->getSearchImages();
if (substr_count($custom_data,"notlisted")!=1){
echo " <a href='".$albumlinkpath.$folder[$nr]."'>".htmlspecialchars($title[$nr])."</a>".$imagecount[$nr]." ";
//echo "<a href='".$folder2."/".$first."'>".htmlspecialchars($title[$nr])."</a>".$imagecount[$nr]." ";
/* open sublist for subalbums */
// check if any subalbums are available. If then open sublist for subalums
for ($nr2 = 1;$nr2 <= $number; $nr2++)
if ($idnr[$nr] === $parentid[$nr2])
{ echo ""; break; }
// subalbum subloop start
for ($nr2 = 1;$nr2 <= $number; $nr2++)
// check if any subalbums are available
if ($idnr[$nr] === $parentid[$nr2])
if ($imagecount[$nr2] == " (0)") // prevent "(0)" behind main albums if you only have subalbums with images
{ $imagecount[$nr2] = ""; }
// if check if the subalbum is the currently selected album
if ($title[$nr2] === getAlbumTitle())
{ if($dynamic[$nr2]=='1'){$_zp_dynamic_album=$album[$nr2];
$data = $_zp_dynamic_album->data;//used to get custom data 'notlisted' from album
$custom_data = $data[custom_data];// to hide this dynamic album from the list
$_zp_current_search = $_zp_dynamic_album->getSearchEngine();
$images = $_zp_current_search->getSearchImages();
if (substr_count($custom_data,"notlisted")!=1){
echo " <a href='".$albumlinkpath.$folder[$nr2]."'>".htmlspecialchars($title[$nr2])."</a>".$imagecount[$nr2]." ";
//echo "<a href='".$folder2."/".$first."'>".htmlspecialchars($title[$nr2])."</a>".$imagecount[$nr2]." ";
$data = $_zp_dynamic_album->data;//used to get custom data 'notlisted' from album
$custom_data = $data[custom_data];// to hide this dynamic album from the list
$_zp_current_search = $_zp_dynamic_album->getSearchEngine();
$images = $_zp_current_search->getSearchImages();
if (substr_count($custom_data,"notlisted")!=1){
echo " <a href='".$albumlinkpath.$folder[$nr2]."'>".htmlspecialchars($title[$nr2])."</a>".$imagecount[$nr2]." ";
//echo "<a href='".$folder2."/".$first."'>".htmlspecialchars($title[$nr2])."</a>".$imagecount[$nr2]." ";
} // subalbum loop end
// close subalbums sublist (only printed if there are subalbums)
for ($nr2 = 1;$nr2 <= $number; $nr2++)
if ($idnr[$nr] === $parentid[$nr2])
{ echo " "; break; }
echo " "; // close main album list item
} // close main album check
} // main album loop end
echo ""; // close main album list
; ?>